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Glass City Pipes

Formula 420 All Natural Glass Cleaner - 16oz

Formula 420 All Natural Glass Cleaner - 16oz

Regular price $9.99 USD
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  • Created by popular demand, Formula 420 took its award winning glass cleaner and created an equally impressive, but All Natural version of the cleaner.
  • All ingredients are 100% natural and effective!!!
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable!
  • The number one most popular and effective glass water pipe cleaning brand on the market today. Don't be fooled by the copycats, because it doesn't get better than Formula 420.
  • Get Instant Results, with a sparkling clean bong in one minute or less.  Consistently rated by customers and smoking enthusiasts as #1.
  • Trusted by Millions Nationwide. Clean like a pro with Formula 420.
  • Made in the USA. Easy to follow instructions. Superior Cleaning Power will bring your glass look like new every time.
  • Patented Technology eliminates the need for soaking or scrubbing. Simply Shake, Rinse & Enjoy!

How To Use:

Step 1: Shake the bottle well to mix product. 

Step 2: Pour the liquid into your water pipe to ensure even distribution of liquid and cleaning crystal. Make sure to pour enough so that when shaking it can reach every part of the pipe. 

Step 3: Cover all openings. You can pick up some Cleaning Caps here to make this easier.

Step 4: Shake the bong for 1 minute and make sure the cleaning solution travels throughout the pipe

Step 5: Make sure to rinse thoroughly and wash your hands. 

For smaller item, bowls, and downstems, you can place them in a zip lock bag or similar sealable plastic bag and follow the above steps. 

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